total playtime:526:53:29
current rank:Member+
why would i be great: I think I would Be grate At Staff Because I know most of the Players,staff,Support,Adimds. Not Just do i know Them I think they all mostly Trust me Idk about koolio cuz he say he trust NO ONE But He should Trust me but thats koolio for you and i know most of the commands im mostly on whene Theres Problems Such as Rageing,CapSpamers,People Asking for koolio and koolio over and over. Im mostly on whene People ask for sponges and more stuff and the hr's im on are from 7am-8pm On weekends and During school im on 6pm - 10pm and I know some of you hate me but im gona try and make up for it soo yeah.
Well Thank you for your time Staff,Suport,And Koolio Leave a comment On what i need too improve or what you liked and on and what you think Thanks For your time If you dont pick me for staff il understand
it is ok i guess....
i think this will be similar to madhead where alot of people hated him as a player but once he got staff he really has better then before when he killed for a living so if anyone says you would abuse powers they should see madhead he's (hate to say this because it sounds chessy) living proof that anyone can change 😀
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Right Blue 😀
That also includes Copy, he was also a killing douche (sorry copy Lol) then he changed when he got staf
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
never payed attention to copy until he got staff my rule when i was a member i ignore you unless im involved in it, which with madhead when x2ville (on the old map) was in jesisons nation we had a war with madhead because he was a quote "killing douche" but they chaged after they got staff, but that doesnt mean you cant have some pvp fun from time to time but not just go all out gunz blazin
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
Think dirt is useless? Think again.