1st of All Marry Christmas too all you Mother Lovers and hope all of you get what you want for Christmas.
2nd This is My 2nd staff application Hope you guys like it if not Oh well
IGN: DeadChampion43
totalplaytime: Around 570
Current rank:Member+
Age: 14 :3
Why i would be great:
I think should have Staff I now what Koolio expects of me witch mean's no abusing powers He knows i help him out Whit rebuilding Some Buildings in wild that have been grifed by some of you guy's -.- Yet i Think i deserve Staff because when the server restarted there was no Staff/Modaraters around and just one koolio and a bunch of member + around too help him but most of the time there's trouble Im mostly around . Yet i Do have my own server just for Me jp lunar and some other friends I know most commands that Staff Needs too know and most of the time i want too be Staff its too Help Kraftzone out whit new player's
Ps- I know some of yall say i remind you of MadHead when all of us use to hate him but once he became staff he turn into a good person and i wont disapear like most of the staff and Suport
this very good 8)