I was wondering if I could be a helper, admin, or mod I haven't been one on any other server. I would really like to have the privilege to be any type of staff. THANKS 😀
First all.... You need to be atleast rank M+ (Member+) to apply for Helper/Staff
Second... You need to be a Helper to become Staff.
Thrid... You need more details in your application.
That pretty much covers all that I need to tell you.
Admin/SupremeOverlord definitely....
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
Hi Anon,
You definitely could be a helper, staff or support player sometime soon!
Just remember to vote regularly and get to know the community (helping, talking, playing).
It would be a big advantage to apply for helper first (whether that be through the wiki team or specifically in-game). It would be a good idea to reach the Member rank at a minimum (which is 20 votes, enter /ranks in-game).
Once you've been a helper for sometime you may be offered a position as a staff member (you could apply for it but I'm unsure if that is really beneficial). And then sometime after that you may be offered a position as a support player.
Good luck!