- Member
- Member+
- Artist
- WikiTeam
- Creative Tier 3 Donator
- -Staff (Former)
- ~Support (Former)
- KraftZone player since July 2012
- Former KraftZone ~Support
- Veteran Server Owner and Host
I am an avid KraftZoner who spends lots of time on the server, and on the Teamspeak. I have considerable knowledge on the workings of KraftZone, it's plugins, and it's players. I have made many donations to KraftZone, as I wish to see it grow and flourish. I am willing to help anyone in need, and have the skill sets needed to preform any tasks needed of me flawlessly. I also vote on all 5 sites every day. Many players are already familiar with me, and often call upon me when they need help, sometimes even confusing me for a Staff.
Current Requests:
I would like to apply for a position of Support. I know I used to be off and on, preferring Battlefield and my own server over KraftZone, but now that's over and I'm back for good.
I also vote on all 4 sites every day.
Learn to vote on 5 sites 😀
Thats MC List, it counts...
fail on quote, i don't know how to do it, sorry.
I asked Koolio earlier about MC List. He said it's there, but not supported. 5 voting sites would mean Member and etc. qualifications would need tweaking.