Hello again... I know it was just 2 or 3 weeks since i got helper , but... a lot of people are asking me if i can help them... of course i do... but some people are asking me if i can repair their items... that i can't do ... this was like a introductive paragraph so...
Age:14 ¾ years...
If you get staff , what will you do ? : I Will help people with a lot of things , I wont give out items and also money , I will be active (I was active when i was helper too xD)
Votes : Aprox 200 votes...
Earned Ranks : Registered , Forester , Member , Member+ , Helper and [Prisoner - JK]
What are you supposed to do if you get staff x2 : I will grief the server , I will kill the players , I will steal the money from ppl...JK... I will increase kz opulations , I will help kraftzone players and i will try to stop the stealers , griefers and all these violent things.
Lost Monkey! If someone saw it , bring pepsi to me!
ron even if ppl ask u repairs it doesnt mean u need to have staff. Help the players tht u can handle, If you dont have tht ceratin cmd like repair for example you can ask the player togo to any donor and higher.
This is told by almost everyone tht wanted helper rank: U dont need a rank to help ppl. I'll give u an example when Extacyy aka lily came on the server for the first time, she was like the others she had the default rank. When people ask us for help and such sometimes
she would help them when we didn't know the answer. U see ron even if shes register she can help any player if she knows the cmd. Pretty impressive lily and thx for the helping when they needed it.
Thanks kodsas ...
Lost Monkey! If someone saw it , bring pepsi to me!
You aren't really Staff material. The job isn't fit for everyone.
Sorry i have an brother bigger than me and more stupid that made this app... sorry guys i told him i'd love to be staff so he entered in my PC and made this app... sorry... i didnt even knew about this...
Lost Monkey! If someone saw it , bring pepsi to me!