Renewed Helper Application
First Joined:2014-10-01
Total Votes:80
Total playtime:8 days,2 hours,32 minutes,50 seconds
In-Game name:CalebMC_____
Skills:Helping others in any way possible,underground houses
Traits:Fun to hang out with,play on KZ on almost every day.
I have helped the server by:Building a new xmas-spawn,Helping a staff with his town,I have welcomed lots of beginners,and given them the basic commands such as /help, /vote, /total, and just given them a tour around the server.
Misc:I will help you if you need any help when im in-game,just ask me and I will be glad to help
Deadpool 🙂
I think that Caleb should become helper because, every time I get on kc, he is always welcoming newcomers to kc and spending his time giving them the basic commands and how they can get stuff. Therefor, in think that Caleb should become helper
Maybe get 150 votes and then it might be considered i dunno. Depends on Koolio really.