I would love to be mod because im alright at building a litle bit good at redstone and i hate griefers if people beg for spawning stuff i willl mute them if people grief n stuff=kick (: plz make me mod or admin 8)
I don´t think you get admin...
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
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Haha you won't be admin if you mute them just for beging, and also no admin kicks a person for greifing first they go to prison and talk to them.. Plus I barley see you on the server, almost never.
Dedicated Player to kraftzone. Always standing.
ignio um some of these applacations are old like 2011
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Ignio rlly? This app was from december, putting down other apps, arnt giving u a better chance of getting ur app noticed literlly
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
I cant really build anything.