Name: Minegal1259
Age: 15
Position you desire: helper.
Total Playtime: 8days 5hours and 20 minutes.
Date Registered:09, 04, 2013
I desire to help anyone on kraftzone that needs it. I love helping people. I always help people on kraftzone, if they need help, ask questions in the chat, or whatever may happen that someone may need help with.
My traits are: I am a girl who LOVES helping people do anything irl and in game.I also love minecraft, Im actually a youtuber if anyone would like to check my youtube out its: minegal1259 or minegal does games.
I have never been a mod, but I was once a helper on another server that sadly closed down.
I think I could benefit kraftzone by helping more people so koolio doesnt have too. I think that I could maybe get some more people to come on kraftzone by holding events of some sort where people invite there friends, and maybe who invites the most friends and those friends come then they can get a prize or i something like that!
I think I have improved kraftzone by inviting my friends (they still play on here too!)
I would really love to be a helper on here I always have wanted to. I have tried multiple times but never got the position. I love this server very much and it would honostly mean so much to me.
Overall I truly think that i could be a good edition to kraftzone and I would try to be on as much as I possibly can and not be like the old helpers and just stop getting on.
Thank you for our consideration,
Yours truly,