Minecraft ign: Lightah
How long have you been playing on kraftzone? (You can use "/totalplaytime" to findout): 43:05:34, but I played for like 5 months before Dillion and stuff, so I am pretty old
Avg Daily Play Time: 6-7 hours
What are your best qualities?: Helpful, Sense of humour, Mature
Why I should be a staff: I helped as much as I could, I like building, making peace and justice(may sound funny) and I speak English pretty well. I didn't and won't fight with players and help them everytime i'm able. Also, I can be on when other staff member can't because of the timezone(there are pretty much people asking for help that time). And I wanted to say: Somedays kraftzone was becoming afwul, people we're whining because of stupid reasons constantly and it was just a pain to stay on, so I tried to join other servers. It was impossible, I couldn't find servers as good as Kraftzone. I love this server and I couldn't find a server as good as this one. I will never quit and I will always love the server.
Hope I will get accepted.
Really good Lighta! If i was Koolio i would accept it