14 (I lied before when I said i was 18)
Play time total : 18 days 16 hours 36 minutes 45 seconds
Votes : 104
I would like to help Kraftzone because it is one of the best servers I have been to so far top 1 on my best server list
and I like helping player in need of help
-Helpfulness Check
-Selflessness Check
-Solid Knowledge of both Minecraft and KraftZone Check
-Mild Check-ish
-Knowledge of WorldGuard Plugin Check
-Long time Member or Member+ Check (Member I am Donator now)
-Skill both in using commands in Kraftzone and in building Check
Traits are : Ability and Desire to help new players and also I like being helpful to others
I used to be moderator in 2 servers and admin in 1 server and also it is hard being admin or staff or moderator because a lot of people ask for help they say "Help Me Krazybot78 yeah my past experience it is harder but it is helpful to others
I like helping people who are new and whoever are in need of help and also i like building I know most of the stuff in WE but in WorldGuard I am not that good at it I know a little I can help build at spawn
I have given people flydiscs helped them build part of their bases and also help them get tools and items by helping them find it with them and also I helped different people with redstone related stuff
I hope I get staff
WEird i typed /total2 then this popped up
Before even thinking of making a post like this, you need to reach 100 votes like it is to get m+(i know you are donator) but you still needs votes
God made every person different....
He got tired by the time he got to China xD
I need a script or macro that I can just press a button and deny posts. :p Anyways...
- 73 votes isn't really that much, considering you can vote 5 times a day
- I've never seen you on KraftZone, never even heard of you in-fact
- You only have 2 posts on the forum, one of which is this app
- The only things you mention you're good at are WG and WE, both of which Staff don't deal with.
- You mention giving out free flydiscs and items like it's a good thing
..... Sly can you even make me staff??
krazy like crafters said get at least member+ rank and then apply for Helper rank. Then maybe get staff.
14 (I lied before when I said i was 18)
Helper (please keep my donator commands though)
Play time total : 18 days 16 hours 36 minutes 45 seconds
Votes : 104
I would like to help Kraftzone because it is one of the best servers I have been to so far top 1 on my best server list
and I like helping player in need of help
-Helpfulness Check
-Selflessness Check
-Solid Knowledge of both Minecraft and KraftZone Check
-Mild Check-ish
-Knowledge of WorldGuard Plugin Check
-Long time Member or Member+ Check (Member I am Donator now)
-Skill both in using commands in Kraftzone and in building Check
Traits are : Ability and Desire to help new players and also I like being helpful to others
I used to be moderator in 2 servers and admin in 1 server and also it is hard being admin or staff or moderator because a lot of people ask for help they say "Help Me Krazybot78 yeah my past experience it is harder but it is helpful to others
I like helping people who are new and whoever are in need of help and also i like building I know most of the stuff in WE but in WorldGuard I am not that good at it I know a little I can help build at spawn
I have given people flydiscs helped them build part of their bases and also help them get tools and items by helping them find it with them and also I helped different people with redstone related stuff
I hope I get helper
Vote more.
Play more.
Help more.
Also you should apply for Helper. Not Staff.
I have no idea what is wrong with this application.
I think you would make a great staff!
To be honest, if I could update your rank, I would make you staff.
Anyway, after all, it is me that is saying this, and I'm pretty clueless!
But this is what I think Krazy.
It's not the app it's how the player reacts in-game and then we'll choose the perfect player that could handle this rank... It has never been the app it has always been the player that's playing on the server that counts. There is nothing wrong but it's not the most important thing ever.
Giving items away ain't good you know like I mean you can give some items if you guys were to build something, to help them get the basics but giving flydiscs and money ain't something that we look for but you still have time to catch up and maybe do differently such as not giving players money and flydiscs...
Flydiscs can be earned by voting and getting the right answer in unscramble.
Money isn't hard to get just do /jobs and/or vote. Each time you vote you get a chance on 2 to get 2400$ or a flydisc. If you have perm flight or you have Voter+ you can either just sell them or keep them.
Points I want to let you know:
-Vote more.. it's a good start to reach atleast 100 which you have
-Play more ofc I don't see you a lot on the server but maybe that's because you have a different time zone
-Interact more with others
-Help more
And finally what everyone says:
I would like to help Kraftzone because it is one of the best servers I have been to so far top 1 on my best server list
and I like helping player in need of help..
Please explain this further because it's the best server so far.. We heard it on the server and aswell in every application well in general
We just want to know why is this the best server you have ever been on
This is all that I had to say for your app Krazybot
ur not even 14 xD