IGN : CreeperZx3
Total Playtime : 19 Days 2 Hours (KZ) 0 Days 14 Hours (KW)
Total Votes : 380 (KZ) 6 (KW)
Date Registered : 2013-10-10 (KZ) 2014-02-06 (KW)
Rank I Desire : Helper
Express Desire to Help : I'm Kinda bored of just playing, I wanna do something else, so i wanna help others, and play with others Express the Knowledge and Skills that would make you beneficial to KraftWars. : I know factions pretty well, like the commands, Whats suppost to happen, when you do the command, Whats not suppost to happen, That sorta stuff. Also, I don't really know If this could help someone... But I know really good portuguese, so if a noob comes online starts talking in portuguese, i could shut him up 😛
Best of luck, hope u get it.
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
you already had your chance creeper you make to many applications
-Vinmeistr: mess with the best die like the rest.! jk i cant, im a staff...
I do not. Also this is my first for Kraftwars 😉