Hello, My name is FoxyPlaysMK and i like to Apply for Helper. I have been a long-time Member in Minecraft, I have 8 votes total this month. All time votes are 37 votes. I'd like to helper so i can be Staff on this Server. My honor is place on helping people if needed. If Someone needs to know anything, i can tell them. ID's, Crafting Recipes, tips and pointers. If i get Helper, i will be honored to help on this server. Info: Has been noticed Mature (due to my friends) , a Great Friend and a Giant Help to New players. Anyone who is Stuck i can give them Items or Recipes. Your Thanks, Foxy
I've been only been once banned, no worries, I'm still cool. But, notice me! Ex-Registered, Ex-member, Ex-Member+
Currently Helper.
I'm kinda confused why you made a 2nd Helper Application. But this month Koolio changed the minimum requirement of votes to 150, it's no longer 100 votes. You have 3 days of playtime which is not enough. I recommend voting this month a lot since you have a lot to catch up. Try to play every day and as long as you can. Talk to others, open yourself. Before you make another application try to improve your votes and playtime. Next time give us more reasons to give you that rank and not only I help others when they need it. Show us what you're capable of.