Minecraft IGN: CreeperZx3
Position I Desire: Helper
Total Playtime: 12 Days 22 Hours
Total Votes: 204
Date Registered: 2013-10-10 (October 10th)
Express Desire to Help: I would like to help new players, because alot of them just join and get spawn killed. Then leave the server, i would like to help them get started, and not get themselves spawn killed. I already helped alot of people. You can ask anyone.
I'm a Member+, if you don't know that you need 100+ votes to get it, i recently got it :D. I hope i get Helper, It's ok if i don't get the rank, i will still be helping anyone, that needs assistance.
Edit: I also think Koolio needs more help, cuz he can't do everything. Ha ain't god. But he is God of Kraftzone. 😛
I would like to help new players, because alot of them just join and get spawn killed. Then leave the server
youd be a great helper in my opinon, hes good.
I cant really build anything.
I think he would be a good addition as well..Sometimes it hard for me to get to everyone, and also sometimes he awensers questios I don't know.
Imma edit da votes and playtime.