Hello 😀 ! For those of you who dont know me, i was known as TrampOllen and i am now SirMrManSheep :D. Today i would like to apply for helper for a couple reasons; There are helpers but there not always on and people cant get helped. I enjoy this server a very lot, so i would like to do more work for the server to help it out. Last it would be an honor for me to be a helper on the server. Let me better explain these reasons.
My first reason is that i could try to help out while other staff/helpers are away. Currently, I can be very active on the server, and there could be more of a chance being able to satisfy players while in times that there would be no staff/helpers on as said. Of course, me or anyplayer can help out at anytime really of course you dont need a rank to,and if people have donator rank they can help out just as good to helper from what i know. Though being helper not only gives permissons to none donators to help out more, it also gives the title "Helper" which can be much more of a incentive for people to want to be helped. How so? If your a "M" you have just voted 20 times but havent voted 100 times or just havent gotten ranked up XD, so people can be more skeptical and just ignore you if you offer to help,since they dont know if you will just grief or kill them, but if you have helper not only is it your duty to help, and shows you where able to get the rank, so from what i think is it brings more respect and trust to a player. So in my opinion, Helper is a good rank not only for permissons, but just the title and responsibility can be worthwhile. That being said, in my opinion being helper isent just about helping.
Helper isent just about helping, as said. The way i see it, Helper is guiding and testing player to be Staff. Not always will helpers become staff, they can be kept in there position if there is no staff openings, or in need of helpers. By being a helper, you are technically a staff, not a "Staff" rank, but someone who contributes to help server needs. That being said, you are still required to act and type appropriately, Doing actions or typing certain things can stir up or further stir up trouble that a helper from what i know doesent have the permissions to mute/kick. Not only that, but not to specifically create problems with any other players/staff. Taking care of player needs is top priority, players might get upset if you dont come fast enough or dont come.
If you are a good helper then it will be likely that you increase the moral of the server, where you can become staff and help out even more :D!
I would have to say it would also be a great honor for me to be a helper here. Iv enjoyed playing on this server for a couple months now, been particularly active and i would like to help out more with the time i got to play. to be able to be apart of a server i played on alot, would mean alot :D. But whether it means alot or not i leave it up to whats best for Kz and still will continue to play and work on my silly little projects XD
Thanks for Reading
Application approved
Excellent number of votes and playtime is just amazing 😀
And your application is well said Helper isn't just about helping, as said. The way you see Helper as a rank is guiding and testing the player to be Staff