Minecraft IGN (In Game Name) : murphy
Position I Desire: Helper
Total Playtime: 4o days (I've played on 3 different accounts:murphy,muphy,ExplodingTNT)
Total Votes: 361 (I've played on 3 different accounts:murphy,muphy,ExplodingTNT )
Date Registered: 2013-01-09 Time: 16:19:52
Express Desire to Help: I would like to help new players, because alot of them just join and get spawn killed. Then leave the server, i would like to help them get started, and not get themselves spawn killed. I already helped alot of people. You can ask anyone.
I'm a Donator Tier 3. I hope I get Helper, It's ok if i don't get the rank, i will still be helping anyone, that needs assistance.
Edit: I also think Koolio needs more help, cuz he can't do everything. Ha ain't god, But he is God of Kraftzone.I also think he is great Admin,now and SirMrManSheep joined the "Staff team"(He is Support :D) and I think they will manage with the server great...Don't forget Johnny,Ytsen and others... 😛 😛