Hello, my Name is FoxyPlaysMK, and today, I will show my reason, and my goal to achieve when I get/have Helper.
Name: FoxyPlaysMK, Real name: Gustavs, or call me Gus.
Age: 12, nearly 13.
Ambitions: To become a great and kind Staff member in Kraftzone and Deal with Problems and try to make our server a little more nicer.
Date of Joining: 2014-02-01
Votes: 88
Ranks I've already earned: Register, Member and Member+ (now M+)
Gender: Male
Position I desire: Helper
Total Time: 8 days, 21 hours and 45 min.
Express what I desire to do with Helper:
I want to help this server and help new players by telling the commands and giving them a item to help them. I want to keep this server balanced and clean from hackers, make this server better than it is now. my hopes are to help new and normal players to understand this server.
Traits about myself:
-Little Temper (I try to hold it in.)
Things I don't do
-Argue without Reason
-Abuse commands
-Don't use Caps for no reason.
-I don't Spam TP requests or Advertisements
I have good knowledge of Kraftzone and Minecraft alike.
I'm pretty much a long time M Player, but a medium time m+ player
This is my Helper App (thank you for Reading it thru)
I hope for Helper, thank you and have a nice day.
- FoxyPlaysMK
I've been only been once banned, no worries, I'm still cool. But, notice me! Ex-Registered, Ex-member, Ex-Member+
Currently Helper.