Ok Guys this is my helper app. I hope you guys give feedback regardless of what it is. It would mean a great deal for me.
Age: 16
Joined server: august 31 2011
Account name: Lada and Forsiss and zForsZ
Votes: 400+
Playtime 650+
Timezone: Central
Ranks I have earned/am: Forester, Mem+, Voter+, Architect and currently Donator and Helper
I play alot on this server. I help out alot and i usually build when not helping. I have been on this server quite a while now. I help people with things ranging from commands to building and more. I try to help out the most i can. I come on this server daily. I vote alot to. I help out people when there is not staff/support/koolio. I think I would do great for staff. I help out alot, vote alot. play alot and help out many people. I also want to prevent grief i have been griefed many times and it isn't a nice experience.I have knowledge of We and other cmds. I have been admin on other servers. And i can help out a great deal to people and this server. I have made some bad decisions and am not proud of them. I would like another chance at helper it would be really grateful. I solely want to do it for the fact that people will more likely ask for help. I am not gaining any extra perks from it and would like a chance at helper. If theres not any open slot i will wait. Any feedback would be helpful. Thank you guys!
Good luck dude. You deserve it.
Thanks man!
If any feedbaxk can be given regardless of what It would be really helpful too me. I'd like to know what I can work on and what people think if me so I can improve.