Hello my name, is Chrisxd1216
I like helping people on this server because i wanna be apart of the team. Another Reason why i wanna be a staff is so i can find and explore more for Kraftzone. Also since i am in Archspore i like helping people because that what we do in the town . Another reason why i should be staff is becuase Koolio your so bussy all the time so i can help with the question. And lastly i am a really trustworthy person.
Thank for reading my application
Nice app Chris once you get to know this server very well you will be a great mod for this server
Dedicated Player to kraftzone. Always standing.
Ignio, just stop replying to these apps..........
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
i agree every time i go on the forums the whats new box is filled with replys of ignio on applacation XD
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
I'm just repliyng, it's not like there's something wrong with that. An I didn't tell him to write it or he didn't tell me to write anything. Me and him just want both to be staff because we have helped each other in te server alot
Dedicated Player to kraftzone. Always standing.
Cmon ignio, who are you fooling!! We know that he told you to reply like that, and that you told him to reply on your app.
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
OMG HADI! Can't you worry on Your own comments. Seriously, I'm not fooling anyone I think you are just trying to leave staff for you and blue only.
Dedicated Player to kraftzone. Always standing.
NO ignio sometimes we wish there are more staff to take care of people's problems but we are good at the moment who knows koolio might surprise some appacates BUT we are trying to say vary subtlely but i think you are missing it is stop trying to comment on everyones applacation because the whats new box is just spamed with comments on peoples applacation and is mostly from you 😀
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Ok hadi sorry 🙁 but we are good friends lets not let some forum get in the way. But just tell me, if we did need some staff, do you think I will be one? Say yes or no because koolio what's to see the people's opinions
Dedicated Player to kraftzone. Always standing.
Ignio why do you have to be staff? Yes you may help but that doesn't mean that you HAVE to be staff and just because you say that you would be a good staff acually makes alot of people kinda suspicious. So why dont you let Koolio suggest you instead of asking.
I cant really build anything.
God bless you pepsi.....
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
LOL hadi 😛 😛 😛
I cant really build anything.
-_- seruisly pepsi... You wrote an app like that too... And im sure im not going to be staff... DUDE you have to be staff more then me, lunar does, jesison does, and copyable cougar does too... Trust me i just want to be staff its not like im sooo sure im going to get it. 4/10 is
The chance koolio would pick me.
Dedicated Player to kraftzone. Always standing.
Ignio, id advise ud stop commenting
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.