I know your filled with staff apps but you liked mine last time. I know you said no because I was new to the server and not that trusted. But things have changed and now I hunk I should apply again. This server is really fun and it's the only one I go on. He first 3 days I was on, I loved it so much i went on a bit too much. My total play time is about 110 hours. I am expierienced wih op/staff/support because I am op on 2 other servers. One isn't that fun and it's brand new, the other on is shut down for being griefed. The server staff are going on less and less because of school. I am younger so I could go on more and help out. I am now trusted and liked by almost everyone except for 5 people. I want to help out with our server and make it even better. I want everyone to have a place to be so this server is as fun for them as it is for me. I know the commands because I am op on two other severs. I am an ok builder, I am friendly and I will stop pvping. I would never abuse my commands because I know how it feels like to get killed by an admin tping people to you or to them. I am sort for every bad hint I said and I want to start being nicer to everyone. I will never abuse, even for my little bro. I will help build and help everyone. I won't go afk a lot, and I will read the forums as much as possible and help whoever needs help. I know you are filled with applies and sorry for writing another one. I just want to help, and try to make this server even better than it already is. So, thanks for reading and please leave a comment of what you think. I'm sorry for bashing he other applications. I just say that because I see them talking and they always try to kl me,'or scam me. So I hope you liked the apply. brick
Sorry if I misspelt anything. My iPhone is so annoying. Also my hands are too big to write on it
Needs some more stuff, read my tips
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Blue I know but is it ok to add anything from my old app? Thanks for the comment
Ok, even though this is the longest staff app, I'll add more. If you dont like me as staff, you can derank me to member+ or member. I'll improve anything you want me too. I won't use my commands of someone wants to pvp. I will never give. I will try to stop people spamming and stuff like that. I'll spend most of my time helping people out. I will never ignore anyone or mute/ban if they don't deserve it. I will never disrespect a staff/op or any players. I will never gang up on people or help in a pvp situation. I wont go afk alot. I'll try to go on a bit in the weekdays and a little in the weekends (cause when school starts I'm really busy but Ivan still do schoolwork while next to my laptop). On the weekends I'll be able to go on a little more than an hour a day. Weekdays a little less
Ok. I think this is a really long app, so thanks for reading.
its as if your begging for a rank lol
Total play time?
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Im not begging. They said my apply was short. I made it bigger and it says my total play time. About 110 hours idk I haven't checked for a day. You like?????
Bluedude do you like the apply? Now it's the longest lol
A forgot to add that I am a member 😀
Bluedude do you like the apply? Now it's the longest lol
i dont care how long an app is, all i have to say is, you shouldnt get staff, you bash others and disrespect players and then you try to look like a "good boy" by saying "oh im sorry, truce?" i just dont think a staff member should bash and forgive, a staff member doesnt need to post twice one bashing and another forgiving. Also you spam the in game chat, and my definition of spam in not repeating one line, but instead posting something that doesnt need to be said every second. Finally a staff member shouldn't hate a player, sure you have your moments when hate a player, but then you "restart", not hold a grudge of that event against them, and you have your fair share of enemy's, which before you get staff, you should have NO enemy's, and from what i see, more and more people are starting to dis-like you, and you should just work on being nicer before you think about being staff again, so in conclusion; no.
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Blue I did forgive and now I'm friends with everyone and we all have a truce. When happy left, I stopped fighting. So, I think you should reconsider your apply
[move]Lulz.IT MOVES :D:D but. Blue, I'm gonna restart, and stop fighting please forgive[/move]
I did, i always think before i post; it doesnt matter that your friends with them, like i said you bash and forgive, staff shouldnt do that.
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Well I'm gonna stop. Now I'm friends with anyone, never fighting again. I will need bash again OMG HIS IPHONE IS SO ANNOYING I MEAN NEVEVEVEVEVEVER lol so please rethink and I hope people forgive me and we can all be friends. No more killing. Just play the game how it was supposed to be played 😀
Lol I'm not friends wih you.. And I would hate you to be staff.. Sorry.. :p
Dedicated Player to kraftzone. Always standing.
Idc Koolio said no more staff 😮 so, whoever you are, idc
Brick, please do not lie unless alot of people sees it in person. I know people that still hates you due to the fact you spam and run away during a pvp battle.
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
That made no sense and I only ran for a pvp battle when my armor broke and i wen to to get it fixed so I didnt lose my god sword. And when it was 100 on 1 and koko tped me in a trap.
I SAY NO. He's calls everyone pussy for no absolute reason, and likes to annoy the shit outta everyone.
Lol is no ones getting staff. And I do cause they pvp log! So annoying