Name: aphrodisiac12
Rank wanted: Staff/Support
Date of Application: 25/09/2012
Time: 9:46 am EST
Total Time Played: no idea (totalplaytime cmd isnt working)
Experience: I have tons cuz i have owned a few servers as well as i am staff on two servers atm.
Cmd knowledge: I know pretty every cmd i would need to know.
let me know if ive missed anything, thanx
Things to fix
1)Too little information about yourself
2)"I pretty know all the cmds" Depends on what plugin cmds you know
And that's all I can think of atm
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
By "I know all the cmds..." I mean i know all the cmds i would need to know to be staff or support
Depends on what plugin you know though
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
yea depends our server can be like buxvil server with 1000+ plugins and tell us your play time (temp cmd: /lb playtime)
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
if you could tell me what plugin i would need to know I could let you know what i know.
Well you just need to know basic commands nothing special
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
I know the basic commands as i have run a server b4 and and i have been staff on servers as well