Last seen: Aug 18, 2020
sorr if this was a WasteOfTime...!
idk i'll reinstall my windows tomorow...
Idk why are ou not seing that... well... i didnt joined now... i joined 2 or 1 days ago...ik you are using the console and ou can see the server but i...
I have this problem only on Kraftzone.
See? And When i leave i get this in a notepad on desktop saing:Your Account Got Hacked.HAHAHA!
Thats not from minecraft... Its from Your server... someone hacked my acc... i reinstalled it
Me , Kooglio and Pepsi87 are fighting some zombies while Johnny and iceAOS are going to mine.
I think i can improvise some eyes for you in the next video! 😉
We won't forget you , zForsz
how i can make him eyes ??? xD
What program did you use? Also...Why "Team Crafted" and not "Team Krafted"Good idea 🙂 Team KraftedI use MineImator.You can get it...
Kooglio is guarding the base.IceAOS is brewing some potions.Pepsi87 is crafting a diamond pickaxe.Johnny is smelting a iron sword.I am Chopping trees.
same for me.... looking on pc only at school...so...
You should post them on planet minecraft.I cant make an account...passwords doesnt match
Whats the prize???
Sorry if i dont have a trailer...