Last seen: Jan 19, 2025
He read the book actually. Ice had a copy or something. Koolio found it amusing. It was some fantasy or something I never read it. And this little bul...
I actually read it. Just FYI I haven't been on lately because of these damn reading projects I have to do at school. Anyway koolio you should sta...
nonono like idk what the hello happened. I thought you just made a joke "Sly banned.. yolo"Im just so lost lol.
Wait. What the fuck happened, i though koolio made a joke about banning you sly, did he actually ban you?
Congratulations to everyone, have a great community here.
Oh baby, moar votes
Yea it was me. And so what, Zac is an old timer, i trust him, koolio certainty does, he doesnt go around spawn killing noobs and claiming pvp lord spo...
hey look, oh no its [-insert name here-] again
Mejran, its really great that you found a place in our community on KraftZone, and that you never planned on playing minecraft, but what you really en...
how are you on forums
doing cocaine
lol what?
Koolio heres the new vote cmd i made.command /vote: description: Voting links. trigger: message &...
Pointless and stupid thread. He was banned for past actions. Hopefully he's changed. Now its the end of story.:locked
We've had many good times here hadi and I've enjoyed them all. You just touched my heart, and now I'm dead. Not really but I will miss ...