Last seen: Jun 25, 2014
guys creeper-steve marriage isnt sometihng to joke about its serious?So my question is..Legalize it or no
dilly stop commenting shitif you don't even know what is going on,your allway's commenting shit#agree
"I may be young but im ready"
Well Lunar we had some great times man, from day 1. I remember our skype calls with me you dead and a few others and we would have a blast. Im gonna m...
Man dead we had some fking awesome times I wish we built that assassinations buisness lol but hope you have fun dude good luck to you i know im gonna ...
Wow Dilly way to completely fill up the post with that long ass statement or whatever...
Thats what i figured. Damn you nocheat!
This was useful to new players, but i didnt quite understand what you told me about the SmartMoving speed? Because i dont have fly, it thinks im tryin...
Well written. But, the government has been lying for years on end. Who knows if it happened. We all have our own opinions
Leaving means to not come back again..not get on once a week.
Pvp cheating...you have no idea why you are pvp..chea...what...And as you said, to be staff you have to be patient and forgiven. A virtue which not ma...
Lunar if you need anything skype me man
I agree and respect that fully Koolio. And is sad it came to that, and it came out of nowhere at that also. He was a good player. He is the last one i...
Just because you got banned wikk recently and youre mad, doesnt mean you have to take it out on me. And this was in October of last year..I agree with...
ikr lunarLunarLUnarLUNarLUNArLUNAR
I wish that i dont keep screwing the f#@$#% up again and again.
What is this figueroa? Did you get a name change or something?