Last seen: Jan 17, 2020
it so long
wait how do i screenshot it here
just wondering what did they do? spamming in chat, griefing, ect and who were they, names?? And by the way there isn't moderators on this server ...
Just saying i speak french too me and orestis can help you in this serverWelcome kamellia25 to kraftzone! IF you need help just ask us and we'll ...
if u guys dont like his spamming just do ./ignore kcherryor if u have any screenshots of him spamming or anything tht bothers u can just post it on kr...
just telling ya im helping to build the huge building credit
kcherry vin is just telling the truth we dont neccessarily hate u from our hearts or anything. but.... sometimes u can be a pain. U might dont know th...
i didnt say it was official anyways red. its not even my decision im just proposing wat im thinking and if u think tht staff cant be able to do such a...
in fact, what creeper say is possible true but the point is can Helpers like myself can have the perm ./mute? im saying this because when no staff or ...
if u ignored this why would u post on it. it wasnt even spose to be read by you. watsoever ur always like tht trying to act smart in evrything and ur ...
interesting story... and then relationships srsly sea
im so happy for ya woombo Hope u come back as soon tht u have ur pc 😀 we have built some many things
yes member+ has unlimited flight the command is ./flight
dude theres a guy greifing in the town atm.... and i cant kick him out 😛 i wish koolio was here his name is qwiksmoke and TheBlueMage they are both r...
just asking while ur gone will i continue working on the town?? and im sorry if ur computer is broken atm. wel'' welcome u when u get back :...