i'm not quite ready for staff yet but I am ready to be a member plus. I have never greifed, pissed off anyone, or any staff. I am a nice person, and a long time player on the server.
Sorry for bringing back such an ancient thread, but check this out
Minecraft name: Combatplaya98
Real Name: Ryan
Applying for: Mem+
Joined:Jun 18,2012
Personally, I don't think that I deserve staff just yet. I have never greifed, pissed anyone off, pissed on anyone, I'm always making new friends on the server, and I always try to do my best to help others. For now, Mem+ would probably be the best I could be on the server until I prove myself to be eligible for Staff.
i'm not quite ready for staff yet but I am ready to be a member plus. I have never greifed, pissed off anyone, or any staff. I am a nice person, and a long time player on the server.
Looks like we got a copy cat 😮