Minecraft ign: Legit_Gaming
Age: 14
How long have you been playing on kraftzone? (You can use "/totalplaytime" to findout): 2 Days 21 hours
What interests you in becoming mod/admin?: Well i liked to become an mod/admin is to get most of the people that are griefing,hacking or is selling up different servers and also i really love this server and i want to take care of it and also help people out if they need it because i know Koolio is really busy sometimes and I would be on daily so i can keep a good eye on the server, i've been playing minecraft for a certain time since 1.3 was out and I've been an admin before so i know what i'm doing.
What are your best qualities?: Well you could say my best qualities is being really friendly to everyone and helping everyone out i'd catched heaps of griefers and hackers before, and i say im a pretty good builder and I always try to be the fair with everyone .
Tell us about yourself! we are very interested too see what kind of person you are: Well, I am a person who loves to play minecraft but i will always go on after schools if i can till night and play on the weekend most of the time, I also love playing basketball with my friends and i'm really good student at my school, and i wanna become a person who makes games.