I've thought about doing a helper application for some time now.
Here is a few reasons why i think i should be helper.
- I like to help people, im very social.
- Im online around 5-6 hours a day.
- I vote alot. (156 votes in 3 months)
- I love being nice and helping others. It makes me happy to see them happy
- I'm not a mean person, i would never be mean or say no if a person needs help.
- I'm not the person who is immature (well sometimes i go over the line... 😛 )
- I'm a happy person, i'm not naturally mad.
- I'm a funny person to be with, i joke alot and i love to get new friends.
I would like an answer, and things i can improve on
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hello Kottelainen! Thanks for Your Application
So when it comes to the Application i would like some of the stuff i see. Its glad too hear you are a happy person and I see you active alot. Thats great man. Appricate that you wanna help People out on the server.
But i dont think you are ready for the helper rank
1.We already have 5 helpers
2.Im not sure when you say joke alot, can actually turn into something else like being rude to People, when its meant to be a joke. I define that like trolling
3. 156 votes in 3 months is ok, but you have alot more votes to og. You can atleast Reach 300 votes in 3 months.
So what im saying i dont have anything against you, but i have to deny promoting you as helper.
Im sorry! 😀
God made every person different....
He got tired by the time he got to China xD
No problem, its just nice to hear things i can improve on.
I kinda agree with your 2.nd Point... i can go over the line. often.
But still, thanks for answering
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)