Hey guys kcherry here and i just wanted to post my Helper Application
Date I joined the server~ 2013-04-21
Total votes~ 20
Total Play time~ 10 days, 2hours, 27 minutes
earned ranks~ Member
Reasons I think I should be Helper: I haven't done pvp for a while now the last time I had killed someone was 2 weeks ago (but in my defense he would not leave my town even though I asked him nicely 7 times) When someone asks a question that i know the answer to I will answer that question. If someone is bugging Koolio/Kooglio when he's busy I will try to answer there question or I will say "Bro please wait Koolio/Kooglio is busy". But I don't say that a lot because I don't see a lot of that when i'm on. I also say "welcome (insert player name here) to kraftzone" when new players come on. I have my own town and as of monday, June 26 it is open to new residents. I may not know everything when it comes to Kraftzones plugin commands but i know quite a bit about them. This is were my application ends but I hope that the community will let me join the Helper rank family.
Still, you still need m+ for making a application for helper...
God made every person different....
He got tired by the time he got to China xD
Oh :-
Lol crafters is Jr.Member
Lost Monkey! If someone saw it , bring pepsi to me!
I was m+ on my old one 😮
Anyyway you must prove it
Sorry... But u must prove it you must say the name
Lost Monkey! If someone saw it , bring pepsi to me!
i wanna to help kcherry 😛
1coolson 8)
Will any one point out that kcherry copied my helper application?
I found it.....I found my lost duck!!!
That is my You tube Channel