This is list of most used commonly used commands you would want to know to play and enjoy Kraftzone’s Minecraft server, if there is anything missing leave a comment.
To see where you’re on the map.
To see which world you are at currently.
Shows some info. To new players at Kraftzone
Provides an ingame list of most useful commands and guides.
After using /sethome, use this command to return to your home at any time.
This command will show you all the online players.
/msg [playername] [message]
Use this command to send a private message to any player.
Automatic promotion to the next rank if you have the minimum votes for it.
This command will display the server rules.
This command will set your home.
Shows your total server playtime, votes, and when you last voted at eachsite.
/tpa [playername]
Sends teleport request to someone. If they accept, you will be teleported to their location.
Accept a /tpa request.
/tpahere [playername]
Asks the specified player to accept teleport to your location.
Deny a /tpa request.
Shows all the voting site links.
Shows info on using flydisc (brokendisc) to fly.
/fly on
Have broken disc in your inventory?, use this to fly with it.
/fly off
Use this to stop to flying.
Warp list
There are no traveling restrictions at any of these warps, feel free to look around.
This command will take you back to the spawn area.
Warp to the 1.5 freebuild map.
Warp to the quake world.
Warp to the cityworld.
Warp to original kraftzone map, on bonai island.
Warp to original kraftzone map, at durban estate.
Warp to original kraftzone map, blockhunt map.
Warp to the boatrace event.
Warp to the eggshop.
Warp to the shop.
Warp to the horse stables, you can buy horses, leads, hay etc.
Warp to the enchant shop.
Warp to godshop prices sometimes cheaper.
Warp to the Raze mob arena.
Warp to the Makati mob arena.
Warp to the official parkour map.
Warp to the old survival spawn point.
Warp to the checkers minigame.
Warp to survival world wilderness where you can build nearby.
Warp to /mb gallery.
Warp to playershop board at sky spawn.
Use this to protect your area when you are building in the wilderness on the server. Joining or starting a town can be used for bigger area protection needs.
– Shows this command list in game.
/mychunk claim
– Claims a 16×16 chunk of land. (Max of 8 players per claim).
/mychunk info
– Check how many mychunks you have and locations of them.
/mychunk unclaim
– Unclaims land. (Ask support for unclaiming of all land).
/mychunk allow <playername>
– Allows a player chunk access.
/mychunk disallow <playername>
– Disallow a player chunk access.
/mychunk allowmobs <on:off>
– Allows mobs to spawn/harm in your chunk.
/mychunk allowpvp <on:off>
– Allows pvp in your chunk.
See the full Towny commands list for comprehensive list of towny commands. This is just the basic command list, note: /t can be used instead of typing /town
/town ? – This brings up the town help menu.
/town list – Shows all official towns.
/town spawn – Teleports you to your towns spawn.
/town spawn <townname> – Teleports you to another towns spawn.
/town deposit <amount> – Deposits a nominated amount of money into your town’s bank.
/resident list – Shows all town residents.
/town leave – Use this to leave a town.
/plot claim – Claims the plot for the plot price.
/plot unclaim – Unclaims the plot.
/resident ? – Displays commands available to you as a resident.
/jobs stats [playername] – Shows stats of your jobs. Such as level and jobs joined.
/jobs leave all – Lets you leave all jobs at once, rather than one by one.
/jobs browse – Lists the jobs available to join.
/jobs join [jobname] – Joins the job. (Only join up to 3).
/jobs info [jobname] [action] – Shows the specs of the job