Last seen: Jan 19, 2025
I want to keep my rank on the towny server, but I am aware of my inactivity. I still don't know if I want to be more active or not, maybe I know ...
Bob is like santa claus. He knows everyone.
Great... just great...
You miss tons of capitals...'grate'this is your 3 application? If I would write it it would be my 3th."i am very nice to people unless ...
It is not fixed. The problem is not that you didn't get lamps, but the fact that the shopsign doesn't work properly.
THe thing is, you've built things since you applied for artist. Why don't put in some screenshots? That is something useful when applying fo...
Have you ever been banned or temp banned on another server? - No.Actually, interesting to not know. In what way would this improve your app?How many h...
I am one of the oldest players on the server, outdating even the staff and supportGreat!I've got the honour to outdate you... Noting special thou...
The problem is, to be Helper you need to be a well-known player. You are not exactly unknown, but I bet half of the players here never heard of you...
Why do you think registered can create a faction? Koolio can change the perms for that to make sure we don't get more retarded people on the serv...
I guess not. You can always try to reinstal minecraft if you haven't done that yet, and make sure you try without any mods/recource packs. Otherw...
Sad story 🙁
1.7.2 just works fine with reis minimap hadi 😉
So I was sitting in class not doing workOh hell, that is what I do all day...
Happilly almost all comments are big jokes. Guys, sometimes it is better to say nothing...
you know whats more annyoing than kcherry's post? Creeper, thats you, all this rude comments and bullshitting you posting on the forums... Like y...
Listen and post a screenshot...
Wow cus my English rlyYes, your english. YOu can't tell when a sentence ends, it is really difficult to understand what you try to say. And a wik...
The scene from the move 'Leatherheads', cool movie 😀
Like I said, bob is amazing, he is a one of a kind... Well, person is not the right word for it I guess...