Last seen: Jul 13, 2020
did u logblock it?
no its not when I saw this I think of this:XDDDDDDDDD get rekt m8
I know, im saying that Artist and Architect should get /kit cityworld
that smuchx
lol makes sense
1 question, which type of fish u is?
U said u need to be on 69hours a day, but u said ur on 2 hours a day..... Im on like 8-10 :)I never said im on 2 hours a day.
quote when i said im on 2 hours a day.
bro. Just cuz u dont see me, doesnt mean im not there. You cant see the wind, but yet its there brah. ok, im there too.... watching.......
bro shut up to be helper you need to be online 69 hours a day, then BAM! u helps.
@Kott never agree with a Creeper. ok cuz next thing ya know- BOOM!
XD I almost clicked that...
lol you only have these ideas cuz u artist. The only perks artist should have is /flight and /kit cit...
PFFFFFFFTTT Photoshop... about me being gay.
xD you mean a true Krafter
lol your signature. it looks like a huge... torch x)
idk can u?