I have a few minor questions that I think should be answered before more muting occurs.
for starters, I understand fully that swearing on the server is allowed, I myself swear although avoid it when I am aware that people who dislike it are online. I also avoid using it excessively because that is not necessary and makes the chat ugly and I also avoid using it to offend people (where possible :D). Anyway. I was recently muted for talking with Benza about the Croatian language, in particular, swear words, we were just having some friendly Banta when BrandonMC muted me for 10 minutes. He did warn me although I responded to his warning with a question because it wasn't very specific and I didn't really want to stop because I was enjoying the conversation and found it quite funny. This leaves the question, is swearing (excessively) in another language and (partially) in English deserve to get you muted, without even a clear warning? It was quite a nucance to me to get muted at that particular moment so I am a little bit irritated. I am not complaining, I am just asking the question: was it fair that I was muted like that? I only ask this because as I said it is annoying, and I wouldn't like it to happen in the future so therefore I think the rules should be clarified. I am not complaining in anyway at all and my mute is almost over. I hope I have made my question clear 🙂
Fire melts ice 😛
Did you do it in main chat?
It's says at spawn talk English in spawn and other languages in /msg /m /pm
as u can see at the top, I was talking another language in English, what I mean is im talking about a language, in English, i wasn't actually saying sentences i was joking about how it sounds and the meanings
Fire melts ice 😛
i do not think the mute was required
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Oh sorry then.
yh, i think Brandon is a little stricter than other staff, for example earlier some1 said two messages at rougly the same time that were about 2 words long and Brandon told them to stop spamming, it doesn't matter but other staff wouldn't say anything if they said five things, it also wasn't said in anyway that meant it was spam such as being the same message, its like me making a joke then saying lol straight after and being told not to spam.... literally, that is a bad example but i think Brandon should be a little more relaxed
Other than that Brandon is a good member of staff 😀
Fire melts ice 😛
Sebbacus Just leave him alone he is new to staffing on this server so cut him some slack
My apologies for muting you although i thought it was the best decision since i did tell you many times to stop, we both learn this time you should just use /msg if you wanna talk a different language and i should be more easy on the players of kraftzone.
Back in my day it was a simplier time. Everyone knew the mailman, you could leave your doors open at night. and now these whippersnappers are killing eachother over foreign tounge. My suggestion is quite simple. /manuadd Pepsi87 staff
Good day -tips hat-
I cant really build anything.
My suggestion is quite the simpler answer to everything... /ipban pepsi87 😛 jk
I don't understand why you muted Sebbacus and not Benza, because after benza said something you warned him, and not sebba then sebba said something involving your name then you banned him without a warning...? lol mad bro? Also I totally agree any language then english in main chat is kinda annoying but as far as I can tell most of the people chatting are (3/4) are talking that language... so~~~~ yeah.
1) this picture was taken right before i muted so i had proof for koolio not for you or anyone else, i gave seb many warning to stop and Benza only started after i muted seb. no i wasn't mad at all i know all of you (seb,benza and yourself and sometimes kott are just mad and are trying to cause shit so i get my rank demoted but guess what lel theres no way thats happening because i am not abusing my powers ever and when i get to my next ranks i will laugh at your faces. this is the same shit kott did to sirmrmansheep and guess what hes support and you guys are nobody's. you need to all hop off my dick and play the game maybe if your less childish you will get a rank
Hey, hey, hey. Guys please. This thread served one purpose and I believe it was fulfilled. Now, as your preceeding officer, I ask of you to either lock this thread or simply remove it because like I said, it serves no purpose anymore and is just causing arguing.
I cant really build anything.