Copy's "how to" on earning staff

Earning Staff:

While you have probably heard of many ways to earn staff,
my theory is simple. To earn staff, just enjoy yourself.
Work and build just like every Minecraft player should.
Be nice to others, and do your best to be nice and respect
those around you and their opinions/ideas.
Friendships are built on respect and common understanding and
acceptance of the ideas of those around you.
If a fellow player has a question or needs help, talk
to them and see if there is a way that you can help. As you
develop friendships on the server, being on the server will become
more enjoyable. In my personal opinion, the best staff are those who have a lot
of people on the server that they can get along with.
With many people on the server that you are friendly with,
it builds your respect. The key principle to being able to hold
a position like staff and maintain it is
to be able to keep people from breaking the rules, and to help those in need.
Being friendly will allow people to be more willing to ask you for help.
When people are comfortable asking for you help without worrying about damage or lying,
you would be able to do your job as a staff better, as staff are given two main jobs:

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is Copy's theory on earning staff.

Also, honestly, the only time you should be applying for staff,
is if you feel you would be able to be friendly and responsible,
respecting others ideas, and just maintain a friendly personality.
Staff is a big responsibility, and the position should be treated as such.
This involves respecting everybody and their creations (by creations
I mean no greifing) and allowing people to have their own opinions,
while keeping people following the rules and enjoying themselves.

And this ends Copy's speech on how to earn staff!