Last seen: Feb 22, 2015
How do you know i will abuse.... I'm not an abuser.......On my life i would never abuse my powers........I'm careful NOT TO LEAVE ANYTHING T...
wait how? 😛
not good enough....
Last thing you read to fast REVISE in what i say!!!!!!
First of all my first one= HORRIBLESecond okayI'll revise it okay 🙂
O_O i agree Lunar.
they dont roam minecraft anymore 😛
Worst application I've seen......
wtf.. sly.....
Umm saying no offense changes nothing -_-lol though im not offened..... it is hard to do that to annoy me it takes 99999999999999999999999999999999999...
Edited it and it's done i guess............. what was add:•Paragrahs•Total play time•Made it easier to read•Changed title•Improved•Co...
Take note this may take up hours to fix ¬_¬
read slowly and okay naruto..
From a outsider, it needs moreSuch as: Your totalplaytime, your hours, timezone, etc.yeah umm cyber i did list it