Last seen: Oct 25, 2014
its not bugged. I thought it was bugged. lots of people did.but I figured out the "bug"people say they lose everything when they die. its no...
seaofpain men ur grammer sucks ball u ned 2 go 2 sch00l
I start school in 2 weeks
there was some times it was fun to play with you kot. you werent always mean
m4n sch00l sucks b4ll5 1t5 b0r1ng 45 fuck
thanks pepsi
shh no one knows yet
i was... on youtube and I was looking at some really bad videos
no. worse.
i was
it has everything to do with this! >:D
SPEAKING OF VOTING i am getting MEMBER+ today :D103 votes at the end of today 😀
pepsi, pls no man. dont allow to get yourself kicked it hurts!i got kicked in the balls once, it hurted D:
several times.p.s. can u log on now so u can unclaim some houses for me?? sorry to pull u lolxd
i tried that toooooo