Last seen: Jan 8, 2014
Don't bother posting any more insults then Dilly. Go find somewhere else to post to be useful
HURHURHURHUR. Look who came back from dead.Welcome back Hadi, glad to see you back 🙂
Jesus christ, stop picking on her. Though I agree on her grammer being bad >_>....Anyway...Check if you downloaded the right skin mod, Koolio po...
There's no 100 percent way to solve it. Plugin might solve it, but then it creates problem who don't spam. There's always a pro and con...
At leaast you don't have asian parents, who explode if I get a SINGLE grade that is below an A... which is why my parents won't let me on th...
Wow, hardcore. Waiting for my sis reaction...
Sly, try not to bring back old topics.
1)Check if you have META folder deleted in your .jar file2)Check which one you downloaded (One with or without PlayerAPI)3)Check if you have modloader...
Keep on going cyber, not a bad series. Personally, I would experiment on how you would record, whether it would be in staying one place, zooming in wi...
Out of curiousity, why is this in Events instead of General Chat? :u
No. c:
Tbh, staff and support have equal standing in the forum
Pepsi disrupted time and space you mean
I believe you would have to contact the creator of the towny plugin instead of asking us
HUR HUR HUR texture pack.
Wait wait wait, the server doesn't have anti-xray anymore? 😮
Comic sans are sexieh :c
/total to see your total votesAlso, I don't think 10 hour is long enough for you to have a shot at staff.
That's been there a long time. It can be fixed by updating blocks near or on it.