Last seen: Oct 21, 2014
Hey i have apremium account but its not lada so if you cud transfer the donation im okay with the premium server
Did he give you money or diamonds lol
Im back toooo been a long time i was gone to hawaii for vacay hows every thing doin on kz?
Doin good m8 tho I barely ever see you cuz I come on at bad times ;D
I'm surprised you had the balls to make a staff up. Whats a staff up?:P
Thanks man and yes I will do all you say.
Dilly stop commenting shit on peoples staff apps. Stop being such a loser. You comment this retarded stuff on everyone's posts. Seriously you...
Lunar its not begging. I'm just putting it out there. Koolio said post it I did it. Seriously why not just dtop posting shit on my staff app. &qu...
Koolio have you checked my staff app I seem to be ingnored most of da time. Anyways gratz seb
So koolio I heard on Jp's post that if you have been with server for a year that I should polish my staff app and post it. That I have done pleas...
gfx card I thinks is the graphics card like the model of it
Hey if you cant play mc why not join mumble wit us? Or can you not do that EITHER?
I agree no one ever gets on so I don't rly go on that often either and the constant downtimes we get
Very nice josh must've took a while
Who else has this?