Last seen: Mar 9, 2017
sure mr. hands out illegal items and advertize.... Too far? 😀
snow and jp are too new i think austin got demoted for not being on anymore, and thecrafters....
you cannot give people money, that is like handing out diamonds, 99% of things people have to work for on their own, the other 1% are plugin stuff lik...
when your in staff you always start in survival for the 1 week training, then you get GM perms, other then that you need to add more detail not just y...
you know a vote like this will not make koolio pick a staff, he picks how ever he thinks is ready, and the @copy4support2012 didnt do anything, koolio...
well i was going off what some people say, and i posted that if it was the problem but maybe each enchant at the enchant shop should be 2 million+ so ...
I think the easiest way about is by restricting sometimes (i heard some just use enchant books) so maybe a plugin that can stop them i found some:Mayb...
No players should have it, if someone give a guy OP items, warn the guy who received then that it is not allowed and warn the guy who gave it that if ...
Bekwon, i feel there are other people on this server more ready then you, you have broken a big rule as you said, you never drive players away, advert...
@pepsi what jp said but a app is like a "archive" once you make the app it is there for us to see (unless deleted) but if you dont get staff...
i wasnt saying your lieing and not saying that he is abusing ._.
bekwon, this is nothing new, people say stuff about staff all the time, and if they mute you there is a good reason for it, like some one i forgot who...
and why does this matter? :PNow i know why, just read your staff app.
no need to get feisty, we are not looking for staff, that doesnt mean koolio is not considering someone for a later time, or koolio might think someon...
if a town suddenly gets deleted then it might be that they didnt have enough money when the funds where collected or if a town doesnt have money and a...
if you think there is some unlegit items floating around dont be afraid to poke around 😀
at that point i say temp ban notify koolio, he takes care of the rest...
I told koolio in mod chat, i dont think he saw, and he told me that when i told ugly that his tnt and lava perms where off and he told me no so.