If you don't know the plugin by name, you certainly know it by what it is used for.
CraftBook is a bukkit plugin used for gates and lifts.
Sign Format-
Line 1:
Line 2:[Gate]
Line 3:
Line 4:
How to restock-
Hold material gate is made of in your hand, and right click.
Usable gate materials:
Wooden fence
Glass panes
Sign Format-
Line 1:
Line 2:[Bridge]
Line 3:
Line 4:
How to restock-
Hold material bridge is made of in your hand, and right click
Usable bridge materials-
Oak wood planks
...more coming soon...
Sign format-
Bottom sign
Line 1:This can be left blank or you can put a name for the current floor
Line 2:[Lift Up]
Line 3:
Line 4:
Top sign
Line 1:This can be left blank or you can put a name for the current floor
Line 2:[Lift Down]
Line 3:
Line 4:
Important: These signs have to have the exact same x and z coordinates.Basically, one on top of the other.
More information coming soon in this post
Note: Please don't make random replies to this post
In my lift example, the current floor is house (line 1) and you can right click it to go down (line 2).
I will reply to this post with more examples