This is where im going to make my reports about my concern and this week i want to start off with a player
Report #1:
Concern: He has been disrespecting staff members and just disrespect in general, and he just seams to get worse
I think (please correct me if im wrong) but austin said that he's been saying stuff to staff members like"your a cunt" and what not, and he been saying we are useless, but he never said anything to me maybe because he's afraid of me 😛 but he has been striking fear in some players
xX_JDOG_Xx was telling me that Godfathr has a "hit list" and players cant enjoy the game with one guy trying to kill them over the past,jdog said he is part of this list, also JDOG got griefed REALLY bad by vin (dont know the full name) but im not sure if coincidence but maybe godfathr has been sending out people to grief other people on his "hit list" as a scare tactic maybe? now i dont have much to go on in this claim but i will do some more digging into it.
Summery: Godfathr has been disrespectful to mostly staff, and he has this "hit list" and is striking fear in people and they cant enjoy the game with that in the back of their heads, also im investigating to see if he's sending people out to grief people on his "Hit List" as a scare tactic
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Godfathr has been a pain everytime ive seen him on
that's why i posted this, im thinking if he is becoming TOO much of a pain...
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story