wg means I protected it with sponges 😛
Antarctica wg
CelestialBeing wg
PolyKnir Needs to be protected
Erie wg
SkyCity Can be deleted
Cronos Can be deleted
Babylon Needs to be protected
Radiation wg
Raze Needs to be protected
Mithrill Needs to be protected
New_Haven Can be deleted
I couldn't see Maliwan, but it is inactive.
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Well Raze is one of Koolio's towns, so you can take that off your list.
Well nah I will use World Guard for those areas aswel....
Better anyway as it will be easier to change a worldguards region and the actual world its set for, than to do the same for towny.
(thats for when the map resets, and I'll rename the current default world folder to something else)
So going to have lots of worldguard regions to do soon.
Also after this town clearout, will be the sponge clearout, if you check dynmap and turn out worldguard regions you will see a very ugly sight of square sponge regions.. Many i think could be removed and replaced with a single worldguard region. But that will come later after the map reset.
Oh yeh also need a new block for a bigger sponge... any ideas what block id would be suited for a bigger sponge like area?
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You could have end stone block id 121 be a 25x25 region because only those with creative could get end stone or even go to the end.