I'm sorry it had to come to this but I've banned odel100 he griefed seaofpain's whole beacon and took the blocks aswel. It may be a stupid ban but this kid has griefing almost everything. Seaofpain's land was protected but somehow the WG was gone and I've logblock it and checked who was the griefer this time and the name odel100 popped-up.
Hey we've solved the problem. First off Fish and I searched Millway for his house We found chests but none were really what we were looking for. So fish and I were saying one you're hidding it somewhere and tell the truth. He claims that he wasn't there when he griefed it and he's sure that he didn't grief or know when it was griefed. So I asked him if he had another house, then ofc he lied to me and say I have no other homes. Then endermencreep17 and gunfire
were pvp'ing so fish suggested that I'd tp to him when he dies. You know when we die we go back to our home bed well it worked I tp'ed to him and I was at his house. Full of chests. First reaction that came up I said "you liar". Then other players said stuff like You can't hide nothing now you can't run away. Then ofc seaofpain joined and he tp to me and saw the chest with the iron blocks. He had about 5 stacks of iron blocks in that chest and other valuable blocks.
Then he says IM NOT LYING IT WASNT ME I SWEAR. Then he says How tha hell you get in my chest and that Johnny you don't have the rights to look into my chest. Yknow then fish and naruto said he's Staff he can do about anything.
And so on with the chat...
Then he says my dad is watching you guys... he's a lawyer and he's gonna sue you. And he said he's gonna ask you for a refund and we all said LOL you cannot XD. Then he maybe got pissed and stuff but before that I said this is a warning from me. If you grief and lie again then I'll hunt you down. So I'm not sure if he learned something about it but griefing and lying isn't a great match. Even after this convo he claims I'm still sure I didn't do it. Then he left.
P.s.: I've warned him many times... and this will be the last one
Sorry it was really long but I had to say it.
I know that this is serious but it was entertaining to read. Sucks I missed this xD
I cant really build anything.