Johnny, IceAOS and Pepsi are now all =Staff
This is next tier rank in Staff before Support rank.
It includes Worldedit perms with a block limit of 125,000, when you make Wordedit selection, you can use //size to see how many blocks are selected, hopefully to mitigate from any major derp moments.
Rules for Wordedit use common sense and be very careful with what you are doing.
No doing lots of edits during popular times if things are likely to cause lag for other players, if it will, just give players a warning that there will be some WE lag.
Things to know, when making large flat areas over air blocks, minecraft causes a huge spike in lighting block updates, its especially bad for void areas. So bare that in mind.
Things I would like to see worked on now that you all have WE,
Shopping mall finished, rework the adminshop so that it fits in with the new mall theme (removing of the cobble/stone exterior of adminshop, as the inside quartz already fits with the new shopping mall)
Find new spawn area in amp world, start work on potential new old titan type of spawn.
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