I was wondering to make one of these seeing as we all have different time zones and were on at different times. So if the following staff could edit this post with your typical online time a day so we can effectively provide service to the community. Like cover all blank hours of a kz day.
Johnny. IceAOS. Hadi.
Koolio - any time he feels like
Pepsi - 11:30am to 9:30pm est
Johnny - 4:30pm to 10:00pm EST
IceAOS - 4:30pm to 9:30pm
Hadi - 10:00am to 5:00pm
I cant really build anything.
I feel stupid but how do I edit this :/
Can the staff not edit posts/comments anymore?
I cant really build anything.
I dunno but can't seem to find button or anything to indicate me to edit this post so umh yh just gonna edit it like this
Johnny: 4:30pm to 10:00pm EST USA & Canada (weekdays)
1:00pm to midnight <yes I do have life... (weekends)
I might be on all day sometimes when I don't have school (occasions)
My Time Depends on everything :3
-Regular Time
4:30pm to 9:30pm
From Monday to Friday
Mess with the best, die with the rest
My times changed as edited above today. Hadi we still need yours.
I cant really build anything.
As you may have noticed in the past week, I am about 10x more active, I'm finally over with my time consumers and am able to get online much more.
Anytime between the hours of 9 A.M-12 A.M MNT Time, or Arizona time, given we're important enough for our own timezone 😛 (Won't be on that whole time, of course, I do have substantial social activity :P, but I will however try to leave afk for easy-access and to see what you may have needed while I would have otherwise been offline)
Precise timing as to when I might actually be around varies, though in the coming month I suspect to be online very much.
To give a ballpark of exact timings it MAY be 10AM-5PM
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
By the way pepsi those are some VERY interesting hours, you'll need to teach me to time-travel
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
Yea yea I just noticed...
I cant really build anything.
Koolio your time has seemed to be different than usual. Did your job change your times again? 😛
Anywhoo I'll be on tommorow for sure. Today my sister had stuff (6 year olds amirite?).
And I'm not a hard teenager... 😛
I cant really build anything.
Helllo Everyone!
Maybe you guys noticed that im been unactive for a while, 2 weeks to be exact...
Reason: Im been in Spain for 2 weeks now with no Wi-Fi on my phone, so i came home late yesterday. It was an amazing vacation for me, but i seriously miss you guys. So in the future now ill be more often online.
Sorry for not telling you guys this before now, but much been going on the past time.
So ill see you guys soon!
God made every person different....
He got tired by the time he got to China xD
So much care for this server, just let us know after coming back from vacation. Must have been so busy couldn't spare 1min to post a forum message or let me know.
"i seriously miss you guys"#
sure that really shows, maybe just find another server to play on, because if this is about keeping support rank, well you lost it again.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1