Never ever do "/lb rollback"..
Without either or both points 1 and 2...
1) Including a max area ie "area 30" (yes it is better to rollbacks in sections, do not be lazy)
2) Including a player name... this can be fire/water or more importantly an exact playername! ie "player fire"
....and try to be as accurate as you can on the rollback time/date based off checked logs.
your final command should be in similar format to below...
/lb rollback area 30 player fire since 1d
The next point I have to make is this, when you are doing a rollback you will get asked:
"Do you want to delete the rollbacked log"
Your answer should always be "/no" please do not get into the habbit of doing /yes (for rollback confirm) and /yes (to delete the logs.) Doing so will make things a whole lot worse to recover from.
If things don't seem to be working, do not keep attempting to send more commands, you could be making things worse. Just wait for me or leave a message on here.
The below is just copy of the logblock command guide..
/lb help
Ingame help
/lb params
List of all params
/lb commands
List of all commands
/lb permissions
List of all LB related permissions you have
/lb tool
Gives the lookup tool (default woodpickaxe)
/lb tool [on|off]
Toggles whether the tool is enabled or not
/lb tool [params]
Binds a new query to the tool. This affects only you and works until server reload/restart.
/lb toolblock
Gives the block lookup tool (default bedrock)
/lb toolblock [on|off]
Toggles whether the tool block is enabled or not
/lb toolblock [params]
Binds a new query to the tool. This affects only you and works until server reload/restart.
/lb savequeue
Saves all block changes immediately into database. Useful for rollbacks after huge fires.
/lb lookup [params], /lb [params]
Shows you the result of a query.
/lb writelogfile [params]
Write the result of a query into a log file to "/plugins/LogBlock/log". The layout is similar to the message from the wood pickaxe. If no results were found, the log file will be empty
/lb tp [number]
Teleports you to the location of a block change in the last lookup or rollback errors. To be able to teleport to lookup results you have to use coords param for the lookup, eg:
/lb player diddiz destroyed block diamond_ore coords
/lb tp 1
/lb tp 2
/lb page 5
/lb tp 62
/lb tp [params]
Teleports you to the location of a block change. E.g. /lb tp player diddiz teleports you to the last blockchange of player diddiz.
/lb rollback [params], /lb undo [params], /lb rb [params]
Rolls back block changes.
/lb redo [params]
Redoes block changes, counterpart of rollback.
/lb clearlog [params]
Deletes the log. Cannot be undone, except you have dumpDeletedLog enabled and import the dump. It’s highly recommended to do a lookup first, and call /lb clearlog last to avoid deleting accidentally wrong log.
/lb hide
Toggles hiding. No actions from a hidden player will be logged! Be careful!
Example Commands:
thanks to tha d0ctor
/lb rollback player fire since 1d3h – rolls back fire 1 day 3 hours
/lb rollback player fire since 1d3h area 15 – rolls back fire 1 day 3 hours within a radius of 15 blocks
/lb rollback player thad0ctor since 1h - rolls back thad0ctor 1 hour
/lb rollback player thad0ctor since 1d area 5 – rolls back thad0ctor actions for the last day within 5 blocks
/lb rollback area 10 since 1h30m - rolls back all modifications within 10 blocks since the list 1 hours and 30 mins
/lb rollback area 10 before 06.11.2011 - roll back all changes in an area of 1o before June 11th, 2011
/lb rollback player thad0ctor since 05:36:00 - roll back all changes of thad0ctor since 05:36 (server time)
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The badass ~Central 😀
haha 😀
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/lb redo player Dilly2k since 5d area 10
restores everything in radius area of 10, that was built from 5days ago from present time..
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Official Trailer:
Without either or both points 1 and 2...
Otherwise you do a so called "little centrall"
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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"Little" being the operative word heh