So the Kraftzone economy has officially toppled... any ideas to restore the economy?
1. Money reset
2. Raise adminshop buy prices by 20% and lower sell prices 30%
3. ????
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Either altered admin shop prices or a plugin that uses /bal data to withdraw a 5-7% weekly tax from people with over 1million.
Except staff : D
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Yeah there would have to be toggle-able permissions involved.
Anybody up for the challenge? If anybody has questions about the basics, just ask me in a reply to this post.
I found a simple solution to the KraftZone economy. We would use contractionary fiscal policy. This would mean raising town upkeep (like raising taxes) and lower money earned from voting(like government spending), but not by much. Anybody with comments or alterations reply to this post.