The helper rank doesnt really seem like 'helping rank' it seems more like just a title. Theres no real purpose to it.
"hey bob im a helper, got a cool nick and i can tell you what to do"
I think there should be a more demanding requirement for it and you must have so many votes or participation time/referal from other staff to keep the rank.
-You need atleast 60 votes a month to maintain the rank
-Need atleast 2 staff to say youve been helping per month, (just because someone is your friend dont say yes) I think we can have a meeting in mod chat to talk about them
-Need to have proof that you have been helping, from the community, ect.
To aqurie the rank i believe you need the following
-Atleast 150 votes
-15hrs of play time
-Trusted overall by the community and staff
-Some common building skills (better than dirt boxes)
And the things that should be included in the rank, different that what is already included in preceding ranks, (mem+, tier 1 ATLEAST)
permission nodes included.
-Maybe access to kick = essentials.kick
-Mute up to a certain time = essentials.mute
-Controlled creative (still up for discussion) = essentials.gamemode
-Teleporting =
-Access to locked chests (still up for discussion) = deadbolt.admin.bypass / However =Staff should then get this = deadbolt.broadcast.*
-Invintory VIEWING = essentials.invsee
-Modchat = Noidea (Or their own channel)
-repairing = Noidea (i do know its donator command) (/erepair)
they should also have a kit /kit helper
-Includes 32 sponges, book(includes helper commands), money?, exp bottes for helping with enchants, and maybe other stuff.
And possibly their own forums rank? Has green stars? Their own subforum? Where they can report stuff to the staff?
Now that i think about it, it kinda seems like a ministaff but less perms.
Like i said above, to me, right now, this rank seems pointless
I cant really build anything.
Permissions nodes to add aswel
-repair =
Helpers should get a nick aswel (not green) like what donators have. So they can feel special 😀
Since i modified and its a new month
kz is slowly dieing, votes are declining, we need more help to get this server back on its feet
the new spawn, looking at the old spawn that you WE'd in koolio, reminded me of the old days, 30+ players, rare sights of full slots, the old staff, the constant pvp, all the donator troubles, it was fun. Not being able to get on with all of the players on. I think since you've updated to 1.7.10 i think it will be much easier to get players on. Since the update ive seen 4 new players join, and kotts instagram, is pretty helpful aswell.
Ive seen a few plugins on server where there have been hundreds of players playing them.
The GTA mod and the prison mod. Those are big player drawers.
Gta link:
Prison link:
I cant really build anything.