Hey everybody! 😉
I know that you may or may have not seen me for a while. I apologize as I was gone to a 6 week cadet summer camp and didn't tell you all. If you were wondering I had a ton of fun, saw my old buds and made new long lasting friendships!
I couldn't make a post before, as I was unable to find a time to make one.. I'm terribly sorry for those who were worrying about me. Heh maybe you thought I was dead or something 😛 but I wasn't. I was just gone for a bit. I should of made a post a week before departure but I had barely time. And yes, I should've just told you Koolio right away when I knew that I had plans this summer.
I'm terribly sorry for my mistake but I'm back and ready to start a new adventure with you all :D. I know I might not always be online but it's only because I have a lot of responsibilities. So please forgive me, it's not like I would abandon you guys and just leave. I don't blame you if you wanna demote me, it was my own mistake for not advising sooner 😛 .
I carry a lot of responsibilities as a Support, I'm one of the lucky people. But if I had a second chance, I would absolutely correct my mistakes.
Your Staff
Why would anyone be worried about you? I forgot that you existed
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Lol i love u too
something smells fishy and this time it aint kott.