Just add it in this format..
command /twitter:
description: Twitter channel info.
message "&f&l-------&5Teamspeak info &f[&fcmd &a/teamspeak&f&l]--------"
message "&f- &lConnect: &r&6ts3.kraftzone.net &f&lNickname:&r&6YourUsername"
message "&f- &bSee the link below for more information/help..."
message "&f- &a http://kraftzone.net/teamspeak3"
message "&f&l---------------------------------------"
the title should be consistent with other broadcast messages
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
command /twitter:
description: Twitter channel info.
message "&f&l-------&5Twitter&f[&fcmd &a/twitter&f&l]--------"
message "&bFor more info on Kraftzone, follw us on Twitter"
message "&a https://twitter.com/KraftzoneNET"
message "&f&l---------------------------------------"
I cant really build anything.
&6PlayerName: &5Koolio
&6JoinDate:&a December 2011
&6Rank:&f &8Admin/Owner
&6Desc: &aA great server owner
I cant really build anything.
OK here is the format
# History signs
on rightclick on sign:
if line 2 is "Rexel":
if line 1 is "&a[History]":
message "&f&l-------------&3History Rexel &f--------------"
message "&5&lStatus: &6Legendary player"
message "&5&lHistory: &fUnknown"
message "&f&l--------------------------------------"
on rightclick on sign:
if line 2 is "godfathr":
if line 1 is "&a[History]":
message "&f&l-------------&3History godfathr &f--------------"
message "&fRememberd for his mass greif and killing (later banned)"
message "&f&l--------------------------------------"
on rightclick on sign:
if line 2 is "Koolio":
if line 1 is "&a[History]":
message "&8-------&fBiography&8-------"
message "&6PlayerName: &5Koolio"
message "&6JoinDate:&a December 2011"
message "&6Rank:&f &8Admin/Owner"
message "&6Desc: &aA great server owner"
message "&8----------------------"
Can change the sign and messages lines but the color code matters in the script
ie ...if line 1 is "&a[History]": will require the 1st sign line to be &a[History] as it will ignore [History] because it doesn't have the color code infront.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
| valign="top" |
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Factions [[File:Faction_Image.png]]
|[[Faction Rules| '''Rules''']] - Rules for Factions.
I cant really build anything.
its fixed now
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
command /vote:
description: Voting links.
message &f&l----------&Voting info [&fcmd &a/vote&f&l]----------&f
message &cHelp bring on more players by voting here!&f
message &c-&a http://kraftzone.net/planetmc &7(Works for cracked players)&f
message &c-&a http://kraftzone.net/topg &7(Works for cracked players)&f
message &c-&a http://minecraft-server-list.com/server/75219 &79Works for cracked players&f
message &c-&a http://kraftzone.net/minestatus &7(Only works for paid players)&f
message &c-&a http://kraftzone.net/mcservers &7(Only works for paid players)&f
message &5Voting rewards &64800 &5per vote, works every 24hrs!
message &9Regular voting counts towards getting/keeping new ranks!
message &7If cracked, leave the name blank and votes still count!
message &cHow to vote instructions here, &a http://kraftzone.net/forum/index.php?topic=2082.0
message &f&l--------------------------------------------------------------&f
I cant really build anything.