I observed Kottelainen's Behavor is just getting worse she bullies other people by making random stupid signs
near their buildings and randomly killing players out in the wild with no valid reason, when she is the one made fun out of
like making fake player accounts (like what Keevin50 did a wile ago) or saying rude things about kott in the chat, she will
do all those things above... she even said she will kill or troll anyone that has done anything to her...
according to to The Sheep (SirMrManSheep) what he said is that kott has trolled and killed players with or with out reason
(Dont have pictures)
Mess with the best, die with the rest
yes, i would have to say that the behavor of kottelainen is pretty.. ehhhhhh :S not so good lol. now why would i say that? Well, from what i observe on my time on, sometimes i can see a helpful staff member, and when i see that there is usually happy players :D. But Somtimes..... there comes a ghost(GHOST:player that uses invisibility potion and has "SUPERNATURAL" powers XD)... it seems to haunt kraftzone, it seems to bother players by making signs, or creating obsticals for them. Sometimes the ghost has a good laugh bye killing the players, or forcing teleport them to see and then does as it pleases. But anyway those are just ghost storys XD now about what happend today. Well i was doing a little bit of the usual kz fun minecraft stuff :D, not much players but 2 staffs and a ghost(XD) and suddenly a player,Keevin50(maybe not the most well respected in the community but has played forawhile and atleast voted some, and he is still a player) is falling from a height multple times!!!(Screenshots dident catch it 🙁 so if you have a log you can look back on you will have to to locate te deaths :S) Is it just... a coincidence?? a way to help someone out? or just pure mistake :o? Welll.....
[DESCRIBING PICTURE ABOVE] The red i indicated on her name specifically shows once keevin left (again, dident catch it :S since i was level up repair lol need log to look back on) she said "Im just messing with him" emmmm? WHAT! lol but then she proceeds to tell him once he pleads for me to ban her (which i cant and wouldent :S though i dont blame him for saying it, he must have been pretty upset) she says "im not doing it" "why are you falling out"(and if i dident have the logs or the deaths to prove it, there yeah go lol XD) The blue/orange shows that the period she spoke about him before he returned and had left to get away, in the time she said"im just messing with him" while he had left and there was no way he could see so there for she can say it without him knowing and thinking no one cares(Which i think no one does lol XD i do though :o) huh. Thats weird. I guess everything i do i am going to lose my rank for to XD giving a player money or just sticking up for one XD. You know? I guess it isent so bad, its not like she hasent done it befo............. -.- spoke to soon XD (Screenshot i acutally took, i usally just ignore these things but sometimes there good to catch Dated:09-17-14 08.09.25)
I mean. he says thank you, get his stuff then kill him again? !!! woah... i as far as i know this could mean nothing but i feel that i had to reply, since im said to have claimed these thingsm and i need to try to prove them so i do look like a liar trying to start drama, a guy just trying to help and have fun on Kz XD . I mean what the players do to arent really approval for dealing with being trolled, but what else are they spose to do? The people who are spose to keep the peace are disrupting it. So they cant fight in mc or doing anything so they spam, call names, and then do this(The Screen shot with all the Kotts) XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (not okay at all, but in this case, it wouldent have happened he would have been left unbothered :D) True players shouldent be so immature but neither should staff.
Last on this topic: I got muted for trying to stand up in the chat about it
It isent the same as a fight. Im simply tired of bullcrap lies and having to read arugments in the chat if im not apart of it. Not only does it look bad for anyone in the argument, but its annoying to server players in general. gameking333: "Its just a game." that for example, he doesent know whats going on and assumes it over some tool or item, or something along the lines of "gameplay" while its more the fact someone is showing a complete lack of respect for anyone(WHOOPS. People She likes get resepect :D), and a complete show of disrespect. If your a staff atleast have a spec of respect for the players, for example i mean when players beg and get annoying dont kill and troll them but just ignore them until they need something that acutally requires staff permission, you know? well im gonna stop it here and hopefully koolio does something.
You all got want you wanted
1 less staff and 1 less player
Now go get a cake and celebrate your fking hearts out
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You all got want you wanted
1 less staff and 1 less player
Now go get a cake and celebrate your fking hearts out
lol i dont think anyone who is higher ranked wants you gone, only some players did. and this fourm post is just regarding todays actions (also involving some post-matters with the SAME player :D) Simple. Just build a house, leave someone alone :D. Nope. Bothering the players has to much temptation i guess
If you do get demoted and leave
Na. Not Celebrate. Mourn :S though we can mourn you along with all the dead players on kz from you using the /kill command. Harsh? Yes.(Because all of this could have been easily avoided :S) If you do end up getting demoted :S 🙁 well then... all i got to say is....
To quote the
"Karmas a bad person"
"And you're the victim of it"
-You will be one day to XD-
"Nope <3"
So i wonder if karmas the bitch you say they are...
Everything could be easily avoided.
But past events made this impossible.
Which brings us to a conclusion, killing and trolling isn't the best solution to most of times.
Kot could of done something like walk away for a while or even just ignore them.
Killing and trolling, just admit it it's bad doing so.. it could lead to severe consequences (/rules).
Doing these actions makes me understand that you cannot handle the rank and the responsibility that comes with it.
All this makes me think should we give her a second chance or just demote her.
Muting a Staff for foolish reasons such as standing up in the chat about it isn't the best.
Bothering someone even tho you know that you guys were only 3 players.
Keevin couldn't be that dumb convincing himself that it was The sheep doing all this.
So I assume that Kott is the master mind behind this probably teleporting him to the void or even worse.. THE KILL COMMAND :DD
The staff rank is for players that Koolio has a lot of trust and thinks could handle the responsibility that comes with the rank.
Staff rank isn't for players to abuse certain commands just because it was for foolish reasons.
The /kill command for example commonly known as to instantly kill a player was used on Keevin.
Why not just leave him along and ignore the situation. I bet that would solve the problem.
By killing him brings us that this situation is getting worse and will continue till one other will quit.
By killing him brings us to demote a player and losing a player.
By killing him brings you horrible consequences and maybe revenge might get part of it quickly.
I'm just saying that all this could of been fixed by ignoring Sebbacus at first.
You, yourself did it no one else don't try to blame it on ANYONE.
If you have any problems with "certain" players please pm me on Kraftzone 😀 I would be ready to help and open my eyes wide xD
read your mind as cookies are flowing in your mind. Pink unicorns and double rainbows are filling your mind with a barbie world.
I'm in a barbie world.
Life is creation.
Thanks for reading ._. Hope YOU enjoyed it and amused you 😀
You all got want you wanted
1 less staff and 1 less player
Now go get a cake and celebrate your fking hearts out
You haven't been demoted, take it as learning experience to just deal with players better than you have been doing as has been pointed out.
Obviously I'd like to not see such complaints rise up, but they do happen, if you are having trouble with certain players making your role as staff difficult then post here in the staff board or pm me about it.
If it keeps on continuing then yes I wouldn't have much choice but to remove the staff rank from you.
Kraftzone doesn't exactly have the playerbase to go trolling the few players that do like to play here so be warned you may leave me no choice, you should be helping players and making there experience at Kz better.
Id much rather those I have as staff are lenient and less bothered about trouble than staff who take it very seriously and want to punish and troll players. Better its me doing that and players leaving because of me than the staff I have ok.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1